March 29, 1994
November 19, 1992
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description, for all Federal Agencies.
1. Scope: This commercial item description covers paper sets; each set consisting of one sheet of manifold paper overlaid with a sheet of one-time carbon paper, for use in preparing copies of typed correspondence. Sets attached to each other or in pads are not covered by this description.
2. Salient characteristics:
2.1 Manifold paper. The paper shall conform to the requirements of JCP F10. The paper shall be uniformly white, blue, green, pink, salmon, or yellow, as specified in the ordering document. The paper shall be free from holes, tears, cuts, folds, scuff marks, lint, or loose particles. There shall be no splices within a sheet and there shall be no partial sheets.
2.2 Carbon paper. Shall be onetime carbon to make a permanent black reproduction. The carbon paper and manifold paper shall be in equal in dimensions. The carbon paper shall be free from hard spots, wrinkles, welts, and lumps.
2.3 Paper sets. Each set shall be assembled with the coated side of the carbon sheet facing the manifold paper. The carbon sheet shall be attached to the manifold sheet such that it will remain attached during normal handling and will permit easy extraction of carbon sheets (or manifold sheets) assembled and typed at one time without tearing either the carbon or manifold copies. The paper set size shall be based upon the dimensions of the manifold paper. The alignment of the carbon sheet with the side edges of the manifold sheet shall be within +/-0.79mm (1/32 inch). The top and bottom offset positioning of the paper set shall be such as to assure that the manifold paper is fully covered by carbon area to within 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) of one end and 15.88 mm (5/8 inch) of the other end. The offset shall provide a 7.9 mm (5/16 inch) minimum overhang of the carbon paper on one end, and the manifold paper on the other end for the purpose of allowing easy “snap out” removal of carbon paper.
Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any data which may improve this documents should be sent to General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, Engineering Branch, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10278. |
Distribution Statement A: Approve for public release Distribution is unlimited |
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